Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Dad's Company Picnic

This post is about our short trip to Walla Walla, Washington. Noah isn’t mentioned because he was at a cub scout camp somewhere. We went there because my Dad’s company has 3 different locations in Oregon, Washington, and Utah, and they rotate who hosts the company picnic every year and my Dad wanted all of us to come.

Day One:

We left on Thursday around 3:30. We drove for 2 hours and nothing happened except for Danny falling asleep and leaning his head on me. I shoved his head off, but even though he was asleep it only took 10 seconds for him to get it back on me. This continued for most of those 2 hours. Then we stopped at a Burger King and he woke up for that. After about 1 more hour we stopped at a little town (I forget its name) by the Columbia. Danny and Regina made sand castles and splashed me, and a bunch of sand blew in my eyes. I splashed Danny back and he started whining really loud for a long time. We arrived in Pendleton after another hour, and decided to spend the night there.

It was about 8:00 when we got to the hotel in Pendleton and I got some pictures of really nice car in the parking lot. Me and Danny went swimming in the hotel’s pool for a while. As soon as Danny and I were done swimming we came back to room 272 instead of 372. Luckily nobody was there and after a few minutes I noticed the mistake. XD

I had to share a room with Gabe and Danny. This was an interesting experience. Gabe and I made a deal that he got Danny the first night and I got him the second. When me and Danny returned from the pool Gabe threw a huge pile of pillows at us. Then Danny started throwing the pillows everywhere, but mostly at me. It was around 11:00 when we got in bed and turned off all the lights. After 5 minutes Danny asked Gabe a technical question about Bionicles, which Gabe immediately answered. This led to more questions from Danny with more answers which cause even more questions. This continued for about 20 minutes until Gabe discovered that he could see static electricity in the dark by rubbing on the blankets. Danny told Gabe to try to take a picture and he did. He failed to actually get a picture of it though. After a few more Bionicle questions they were finally quiet.

4:30-I woke up and felt something wrapped around me. It was Danny. I woke him up and asked what he was doing. He said that I was warmer than Gabe, and I shoved him off.

5:30-Gabe and Danny had both woken up. One of them had opened the curtains and the sun was shining right in my face. They noticed I was awake and threw pillows at me for 5 minutes. Once they were done I went back sleep. They threw pillows at me about every 20 minutes until 8:30 when I decided to get up.

Day Two:

Technically day 2 started in the middle of the day 1 section, but it’s easier this way.

We had breakfast at a Shari’s near the hotel, then packed up and left for Walla Walla. It took a little over an hour and when we got there me and Danny and Regina swam in the pool of the hotel there for about 3 hours. We had dinner at a place called Hua’s Mongolian BBQ and it was really good. After that we saw a play called Anything Goes that was really funny. Danny wanted to back to the hotel at the intermission, but when my dad said he would buy Danny a caramel apple (which Danny really likes) he decided he could stay.

Fortunately for me, Danny was tired when we got back to the hotel around 11:00, and he fell asleep right away.

Day Three:

I had leftover Mongolian food for breakfast and everyone else went downstairs for the hotel breakfast. We left for the company picnic which started at 11:00. After eating some barbecued ribs and chicken and Doritos, there was a really big game of ultimate Frisbee, and that was the funnest part of the trip. Fortunately nobody ran into any trees or tables while looking up in the air and running. At 3:30 we started home, and Danny was asleep almost the whole time which made it more peaceful.

Near the end of the drive, my dad was working on his laptop while my mom was driving. The laptop’s battery was low, and it was being charged by a converter you can stick into the cigarette lighter in your car that turns it into a regular plug. The converter suddenly made a really loud pop and started smoking. Then the laptop turned off. When we got home, the laptop did turn back on once it was plugged into a wall outlet. When I walked in Oscar (the neighbor’s orange cat that likes sneaking into our house) was lying on the floor, and our cat was sitting on the couch looking at him. I think he’d been in there all three days.


Globetrotter said...

You sure seem to like shoving Danny. lol is he your little brother? I wonder... is there any type of Mongolian food that isn't good? =D Oh, ultimate Frisbee is so much fun! We played that after gym the other day and it was a blast! Except that we switched teams midway through and then everybody from both teams started calling for the Frisbee, even when their team didn't have it and it got really confusing.

WolfAngel said...

Haha, wow! Sounds like you had a blast! Marie and I were cracking up for most of the post. XD Sorry about your lack of sleep. Jeez, Danny sounds like a sloth. (clinging to you like that. ^_^) I like mongolian BBQs too. =D

Getness said...

Sounds fun. I was laughing through almost the entire post too. Your younger siblings seem to enjoy clinging to people. I know that from experience with Noah. O_o Danny sounded like a joy to have on the trip with you. *sarcasm*

General405 said...

He is my little brother. He's 8. And Ryan, luckily Noah was really tired after the camp when he got home, so he wasn't annoying at all for the whole next day.

Getness said...

Sounds grood. =D