This post actually has some text!
When I got up this morning, Danny and Noah were already outside. (this was around 9:30) I eventually got out, and there was a half-inch of ice covering EVERYTHING. That made it fun to just walk around, because the ice would break up into big chunks that we could break over each other's heads without getting (very) hurt.
The ice wasn't very good for sledding, though. It made it really bumpy, and it popped our sledding tube.
This is completely off-topic from the post title, but it's funny.
One of my dad's coworkers named Doug saw this website of a company they have to work with next year, and challenged me to write something even less clear:
link to website:
My attempt to beat his challenge:

And this is what he wrote after seeing it:
I give this work high marks with the following comments:
1. I had to read it 5-6 times and I still have no clue what Synergy is selling. Perfect.
2. I had to reach for my Webster’s (that’s a printed dictionary, young Peter) for “Efficacious” and still came away effectively confused.
3. After my 5-6 readings I still wondered “Was that one insanely long sentence?” It wasn’t, but it felt like it.
4. The graphic looks like a Doom III player in the fetal position.
You have to work hard to be that confusing. I like it. And it totally blows away the work by the web guys- Maybe they’ll hire you!
Doug, eschewing obfuscation as always
haha I like Doug's comments =) ... although I didn't find it THAT hard to read. lol I'm not sure you stated what the company is actually "selling" though. It sounded more like (the makings) of a mission statement with a lot of big words to me. XD Good work though.
I liked theirs better, but nice job! In C.S. Lewis' "That Hideous Strength" there is a guy that talks like that. Oh and on Friday, at the Lego meeting you didn't go to and so we got no work done, Ben and Eli each had a glass of Dr. Pepper and a bunch of chocolate. That was hilarious.
P.S. I was thinking about what you said, (how you turned your back and suddenly I've taken over your blog), and as my minion, I command you to make me an admin of your blog. Thank you. =D
I say WHAAAA?!?
Yes, very nice job, Peter. It's true that not many can be that confusing and still have a point. Bravo.
Thanks. Teddy, did you have the Dr. Pepper and chocolate at the same time? And will there be Dr. Pepper tomorrow (if it actually goes)?
No practice tomorrow. I broke a piece of ice over Samuel's head. You should have seen the look on my mom's face when we did it in front of her (without telling her what we were going to do)!
Brain cramp.....
My 15% can't comprehend. I think I blow a fuse. O_________o
So they were both equally unclear to you?
Uh-oh. What did I tell you about thinking too hard?!? You shouldn't have even been allowed to look at this page. -.-'
Yeah Peter, failure to include a ridicules and often comical disclaimer... Andrew could sue you for this! XD
He just blew his fuses. It'll be a few months before those are replaced, and by then he'll have forgotten about this. ;)
Umm idk what did you say about thinking to hard?? Did you tell me twise?? O_o I'm I'm sorry Michelle I I just couldn't help my self... -_-'
Wait what? I can sue.... so..... how many staples do you think I can take him for???.... O_o
hm... good question. Ask Shellie, but my estimate would be around 8832 max, 11'teen for a minimum, and..... but likely right about 42. =D
Hmm...I'm liking eleventeen, but I think you deserve 42. (Good guess, Isaac. ^_^)
Oh, btw, "and but", Isaac? Really? Tisk, tisk.
I think I will go with the 42. But should I got for the multi colored or just the regular?
Defnitely multi-colored. ;P
oh, haha strange, don't know how that extra "and" got in there. lol but I agree. Go for the mult-colored ones man. It's small compensation for all those brain cells that can never be regained. XD
Peter, I don't agree with your mom's policies.
... I'm getting the impression that there's some (probably trivial) feud going on here, un benounced to the majority. lol =P
It's not a feud ,it's an inside joke.
As commented on Teddy's blog.
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